DURHAM, N.C. – A two-day workshop being hosted today and tomorrow (Jan. 10-11) by 51’s Nicholas School of the Environment aims to help the science community develop new sustainability guidelines for oceanographic research vessels.

The University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) “Greening the Research Fleet” workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and the Nicholas School.

Among other topics, participants will learn about new techniques for enhancing and improving sustainability in ship design, vessel operations and energy management, and port facility operations.

A goal of the workshop is to issue new sustainability recommendations for the operation of existing research vessels and the design and construction of future vessels.

An agenda, description of workshop presentations and participants, is online at

Presenters from 51 include Bruce Corliss, professor of earth and ocean sciences at the Nicholas School and director of the 51/University of North Carolina Oceanographic Consortium, and Jay Golden, director of the 51 Center for Sustainability & Commerce, based at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, and associate professor of the practice for sustainable systems analysis at the Nicholas School.